孔 陆 泉.进一步完善农村土地制度改革的思考[J].南京邮电大学学报(社会科学版),2014,(01):1~5
On the further reforms of the rural land system
中文关键词:  新型城市化  农业现代化  土地所有制;土地市场;个人所有制
英文关键词:new urbanization  agriculture modernization  land ownership  land market  individual ownership
孔 陆 泉 中共江苏省委党校 经济社会发展研究所 
      China’s most successful reform lies in the rural area by recognizing farmers’ individual right within the scope of collective land ownership, which is the realization of Marxism’s reconstructing personal ownership ideals: the collective ownership is exercised jointly by the united individuals, which embodies public ownership; specific possession, use or consumption, is equally shared by every individual in the collection, which embodies private ownership. In the process of promoting agricultural modernization and urbanization, with the rise of the level of productivity, land has become unsuitable for decentralized management. While the public ownership of the land should be kept, the full collective land ownership should be returned to the farmer collection, and a unified land market should be established to allow farmers to share the land value added benefits. No commercial land should change the nature of collective land ownership, and “land finance” that is actually preying on farmers’ land property and stable income must be stopped immediately. It is suggested to acknowledge Marxism’s theory of individual ownership and adhere to the unity of the public and private ownerships of rural land. Farmers’ real individual land ownership should be confirmed, allowing them to take part in the large scale operation and high efficiency use of land for benefits by means of mortgage, lease or share taking. And while respecting farmers’ individual ownership, it is suggested to strictly enforce relevant laws and adjust land ownership when necessary for maximized efficiency of land use
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