杨嵘均.网络虚拟社群的内涵、特征及其对国家政治安全的影响[J].南京邮电大学学报(社会科学版),2016,(04):02~13 |
网络虚拟社群的内涵、特征及其对国家政治安全的影响 |
Meaning and features of network virtual community andits impact on the national political security |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 网络虚拟空间 网络虚拟社群 国家政治安全 网络虚拟社区 |
英文关键词:cyberspace virtual group national political security virtual community |
基金项目:国家社科基金重点项目“网络虚拟社群对国家政治安全的影响及政府协同治理研究”(14AZZ016);教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目“网络虚拟社群对政府治理的影响与对策研究”(13YJA810015) |
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中文摘要: |
当今时代,物理时空和虚拟时空急速交融,虚实相彰,既相克相生又相补相长。在这双重时空中,人类社会的生产方式、生活方式以及社会交往方式急速革新,在除旧布新的基础上日新月异,促使网络虚拟社群的形成和不断发展,这业已成为当下政治实践和政治学研究不可忽略的社会现实。因而,从学理上阐明网络虚拟社群的内涵、本质及其特征,对于网络政治学以及网络社会学的学科研究具有奠基性的意义。网络虚拟社群因其呈现出解意识形态化、无政府主义与自由化、草根民主化、去阶层化、去封闭性、去中心化以及文化多元性等特征而对国家政治安全造成了或积极或消极的影响,主要表现在公民政治意识和政治心理、国家主流意识形态、国家主权与政治权威、权力监督与政策制定、政治参与和政治民主、政治沟通与执政合法性、官僚制组织结构以及政治文化与政治环境等方面。由此,治理与保障网络空间国家政治安全,也应立足于上述诸方面。 |
英文摘要: |
In the age of network and information, human beings actually live in both physical and virtual space and time, which makes the way of working and living change a lot as well as the social community. And because of these changes, the virtual community forms and now develops fast, which has become an obvious fact that can not be ignored in the political practice and research at present. Therefore,the meaning and features of the virtual community should be clarified theoretically, which has a great significance for the study of the network political science and network social science. Because of the features and trends of de ideology, anarchy and liberalization, grassroots democratization, de stratification, de closure, de centralization and multiculture, the virtual community has been causing a great impact on political security in both positive and negative ways, which have shown in the following aspects: citizen’s political consciousness and political psychology, ideology of state, state sovereignty and authority, supervision and policy making, political participation and democracy, political communication and legitimacy, bureaucracy structure, political culture and environment, and etc. As far as the governance of the political security in cyberspace is concerned, the above aspects should be taken into consideration. |
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